DT105/NW Alphanumeric Display 50mm WIFI

LARGE FORMAT Alphanumeric Display WIFI

Messages display from 1 to 8 lines.

1 or 2 displaying sides.

Character of 50mm.

6 to 40 Characters/line

DT105/NW → IP41

DT105e/NW → IP65

DT105f/NW → IP54

DT105eh/NW → IP65 (High Luminosity)

DT105fh/NW → IP54 (High Luminosity)

Wifi Ethernet. TCP/IP, Modbus/TCP


Message display designed to be used in industrial situations.

It counts on a watch calendar: Seconds / Minutes / Hours / Day / Month / Year.

It is adjustable by two push buttons. The clock is NiMH battery which last approximately one month.


Transfer messages from PC Scada systems.

Displaying data in places of difficult access…

Perfect Viewing:

DT105/NW are big sized displays.

They are type LED and they come in colour Red.

These features can be read in almost any light atmosphere from 25 metres.

Options: Temperature and humidity detector.



DITEL DT105/NW Alphanumeric Display 50mm WIFI

LARGE FORMAT Alphanumeric Display WIFI

  • Messages display from 1 to 8 lines.
  • 1 or 2 displaying sides.
  • Character of 50mm.
  • 6 to 40 Characters/line
  • DT105/NW → IP41
  • DT105e/NW → IP65
  • DT105f/NW → IP54
  • DT105eh/NW → IP65 (High Luminosity)
  • DT105fh/NW → IP54 (High Luminosity)

Wifi Ethernet. TCP/IP, Modbus/TCP


Message display designed to be used in industrial situations.

It counts on a watch calendar: Seconds / Minutes / Hours / Day / Month / Year.

It is adjustable by two push buttons. The clock is NiMH battery which last approximately one month.


Transfer messages from PC Scada systems.

Displaying data in places of difficult access…

Perfect Viewing:

DT105/NW are big sized displays.

They are type LED and they come in colour Red.

These features can be read in almost any light atmosphere from 25 metres.

Options: Temperature and humidity detector.

DITEL has the widest range of Digital Panel Meters for the monitoring and control of industrial processes. DITEL has also a very complete range of Large Displays that offer a high number of possibilities in terms of visualisation and communication:
Several heights of digits allowing long viewing distances, most common communication protocols available, adaptability to many kind of environmental conditions, numeric and alphanumeric contents,..etc. All these with a view to help your company improving such important matters as productivity, Focus on goals and objectives, Results achievements, Security, etc…

Since its creation in 1984 DITEL has concentrated on the development and manufacture of digital instruments that integrate systematically the highest technology while increasing continuously their flexibility and adaptability to virtually all industrial and service applications. This resolutely innovative approach, reinforced by a solid international network, is positioning DITEL as one of the favourite partner for the industry around the world.

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